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Top 10 Twitter Profiles, I follow[/caption]
Hi everyone! Are you using twitter? Are you tweeting every day? That’s great. But are your spending some quality time to read tweets from others? Well, you should do.
I read tweets from others using tweet deck in my smartphone. I can add important profiles and save some keywords search queries for anytime reference – it is a fantastic smartphone utility app for twitter particularly.
Here, I would like to share the top 10 twitter profiles I follow and read every day – I am sure, some of you are already following these people, but for others – I recommend, please follow them for regular updates. Their tweets are really impressive, informative and motivational.
1#. Robin Sharma: @_robin_sharma : Global Nomad+Author of the #1 bestseller The #Leader Who Had No Title.
2#. Guy Kawasaki : @GuyKawasaki :Author of APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. Former chief evangelist of Apple.
3#. Eugene Kaspersky : @e_kaspersky : Chairman and CEO of #Kaspersky Lab.
4#. Tim O'Reilly : @timoreilly : Founder and CEO, O'Reilly Media.
5#. Robert Clay : @marketingwizdom : INTJ Entrepreneur; strategist; author; speaker and business mentor to aspiring market leaders.
6#. Pam Moore : @PamMktgNut : 50% mktg, 50% geek, CEO entrepreneur, social brand strategist, speaker, author.
7#. Kareem Shaker : @kareemshaker : Blogger, Geek, Project & Program Management Professional, Social Media Fan, Leadership Evangelist, a Theory Y Manager & Dreaming of a Better World!
8#. Avinash Kaushik : @avinash : Author, Web Analytics 2.0 & Web Analytics: An Hour A Day | Digital Marketing Evangelist, Google | Co-Founder, Market Motive
9#. Ilya Pozin : @ilyaNeverSleeps : Founder of Ciplex. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn. Gadget lover, investor, mentor, husband, father, and '30 Under 30' entrepreneur.
10#. Paul Isakson : @paulisakson : Creative/strategist making things that matter. Interested in #Creativity, #Culture, #Technology and #Business. Especially where they intersect.
So that’s the first cut list – there are more in fact. Share from your following list, it can be useful to others too. And yes, my twitter ID is @gvmuthu FYI.
Have a great day friends.