Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why Mobile Marketing is important for your business!

This Video is having some interesting statistic content on Mobile Marketing with Smartphones. The animation, music, and the style of presentation is awesome for the content. It explains about why mobile marketing and mobile websites are important for your business. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The top 10 twitter profiles, I follow everyday

[caption id="attachment_847" align="aligncenter" width="432"]Top 10 Twitter Profiles, I follow Top 10 Twitter Profiles, I follow[/caption]

Hi everyone! Are you using twitter? Are you tweeting every day? That’s great. But are your spending some quality time to read tweets from others? Well, you should do.

I read tweets from others using tweet deck in my smartphone. I can add important profiles and save some keywords search queries for anytime reference – it is a fantastic smartphone utility app for twitter particularly.

Here, I would like to share the top 10 twitter profiles I follow and read every day – I am sure, some of you are already following these people, but for others – I recommend, please follow them for regular updates. Their tweets are really impressive, informative and motivational.

1#. Robin Sharma: @_robin_sharma : Global Nomad+Author of the #1 bestseller The #Leader Who Had No Title.

2#. Guy Kawasaki : @GuyKawasaki :Author of APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. Former chief evangelist of Apple.

3#. Eugene Kaspersky : @e_kaspersky : Chairman and CEO of #Kaspersky Lab.

4#. Tim O'Reilly : @timoreilly : Founder and CEO, O'Reilly Media.

5#. Robert Clay : @marketingwizdom : INTJ Entrepreneur; strategist; author; speaker and business mentor to aspiring market leaders.

6#. Pam Moore : @PamMktgNut : 50% mktg, 50% geek, CEO entrepreneur, social brand strategist, speaker, author.

7#. Kareem Shaker : @kareemshaker : Blogger, Geek, Project & Program Management Professional, Social Media Fan, Leadership Evangelist, a Theory Y Manager & Dreaming of a Better World!

8#. Avinash Kaushik : @avinash  : Author, Web Analytics 2.0 & Web Analytics: An Hour A Day | Digital Marketing Evangelist, Google | Co-Founder, Market Motive

9#. Ilya Pozin : @ilyaNeverSleeps : Founder of Ciplex. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn. Gadget lover, investor, mentor, husband, father, and '30 Under 30' entrepreneur.

10#. Paul Isakson : @paulisakson : Creative/strategist making things that matter. Interested in #Creativity, #Culture, #Technology and #Business. Especially where they intersect.

So that’s the first cut list – there are more in fact. Share from your following list, it can be useful to others too. And yes, my twitter ID is @gvmuthu FYI.

Have a great day friends.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

6 success tips for business from your websites

[caption id="attachment_813" align="aligncenter" width="432"]6 success tips for business from your websites 6 success tips for business from your websites[/caption]

The first thing is – a happy birthday to Internet. Yes, today is the 30th birthday for Internet.

Internet Websites are an essential element for modern business days. It can be a personal, organization, product specific or sometimes service specific. A website is not just HTML information on internet, but it is a brand value of you / your company or your product / service. Many websites even act as online sales points through its e-commerce channels. A strategic report from investornews, pcworld and hubspot says that approx 571 new websites are created every minute throughout the world around us.

Well, do you have your website for personal brand promotion or to promote the brand value of your organization?  How do you reach international customers to create an awareness of your product /service? In my study, many non-IT Smallbiz and enterprises are having websites but those are just HTML pages. I see this scenario in many IT startups too.  The point is the website is live, but it is not active to its audience. It always provides some static information from their business catalogs, and images from their photo gallery.

4th Week of Dec 2012 - I participated in a group discussion with Smallbiz owners. Some of them are from IT startups too. I presented a strategy model for them to create / improve their websites and active information management. The goal of the strategy is to increase the brand value and improve the business transactions through their website. I would like to share some of the important points from our discussion here.

#1: Simple Website: The website should be simple. It means it should be understandable to any kind of visitor. Simple navigations, and easily understandable icons / photos / information diagrams can increase the readability of content. Use Color wheel theories to understand the minimal usage of colors, and site-map model to build navigations. The content should be updated regularly.

#2: Fast Loading: The fast loading website gets more attention from users. I always suggest avoiding flash and shockwave content in business websites. It is required only in specific sections for example:  a workflow demo of your ERP product. JQuery is good for simple web slideshows, photo galleries and UI designs. JQuery loads fast, provides impressive results with its new versions now days. Similarly HTML5, AJAX and other JavaScript frameworks helps improving performance of websites.

#3: Understand your visitors: Analytics is the best way, to do a reach on visitors and their actions. Google Analytics is the free one available, but there are many paid analytics systems to help us – some of them are not costly. Every website should be connected with an analytics engine to capture visitor activities. It required very less programming knowledge to integrate an analytics engine, but to evaluate the results from analytics engine, you need a strategist. A strategist can guide you about content planning, goal setting, bounce rate management and visitor count management.

#4: Connect with World: Social Media is an active marketing space in India from 2010 – but very fewer companies are utilizing it for business brand promotions. Facebook, YouTube and Blogs should be connected with your website to create more visibility. The URL of the website should be promoted though Social Media channels with every post and campaign.  Create engagement programs through social media and guide the users to website for more details: for example – to download an eBook or watch a video. Search Engine Promotions are also required – you can use free plug-ins available to download. A strategist can help you to build promotion strategies and insights analytics.

#5: Think about Mobile: Approx 30%* of visitors use their mobile devices/smartphone to browse internet now days. If your website is not responsive, it may not show content in expected way. Make sure, the website works for all required mobile device resolutions, and changes its shape accordingly. There are many free validation tools available to test the website with various resolutions. The alternative idea is to create a sub-domain for mobile users [] and redirect them to it via a small code script. Mobile website development needs some frameworks to build fast loading and content delivery – for example Wordpress for Mobile-sites. A strategist can help you to build technically qualified mobile version of website.

#6: Build a small web-store: E-commerce is for selling products / services online. But a web store can provide something even for free [for example: EBooks, PPT, PDF files etc]. Let the content be relevant to your products / services [example: manuals, learning books etc]. It creates a reason for visitors to increase their frequency every time. Talk about your updates in social channels to improve awareness. Take the suggestions from a strategist for more ideas.

I hope the above mentioned points are useful to you too. If you have questions and suggestions – please communicate with me.